Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a digital certificate that offers authentication for a website and allows encrypted connection. The certificate communicates to the client that the web service host showed ownership of the domain to the certificate authority at the...
One of the most significant technological advancements in recent times is the introduction of online gaming. While it revolutionizes the gaming world, this innovation also comes with regulations and challenges...
Cyber espionage is a type of cyber attack that is executed to steal sensitive, classified information or intellectual property to get an advantage over a government entity or competitive company. These attacks are often...
A man in the middle (MITM) is a type of cyber attack where a malicious person infiltrates a conversation between two parties and impersonates the two parties so that he gains access to information the two parties would...
Choosing a reliable cloud security provider is as important as the value of the information you’d like to store in the cloud. The process of identifying the best provider entails more than visiting the...
We often get little popup windows signaling us about a software update for our various digital devices. However, due to our busy schedules or ignorance, most people dismiss these notifications with a promise of installing the update...
Facebook is unarguably the most famous social media platform today. Many people use it to establish and build their brand. For most people, the major goal of establishing and growing a business in Facebook is to gain income....